-text "This window displays a canvas widget containing a simple 2-dimensional plot. You can doctor the data by dragging any of the points with mouse button 1."
pack append $w.frame1 $w.frame1.m {frame center}
set font -Adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-180-*
$c create line 100 250 400 250 -width 2
$c create line 100 250 100 50 -width 2
$c create text 225 20 -text "A Simple Plot" -font $font -fill brown
for {set i 0} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
set x [expr {100 + ($i*30)}]
$c create line $x 250 $x 245 -width 2
$c create text $x 254 -text [expr 10*$i] -anchor n -font $font
for {set i 0} {$i <= 5} {incr i} {
set y [expr {250 - ($i*40)}]
$c create line 100 $y 105 $y -width 2
$c create text 96 $y -text [expr $i*50].0 -anchor e -font $font